Meet the Panelists, a Facebook event that is part of a group called Reiki Studio. Enjoy our past segments that has brought many hours of sunshine into my life.
Kathy Milanowski as our host/moderator. Meet the Panelists is a group of people that offer their services to educate, refresh, and offer their insight and guidance on particular spiritual/metaphysical topics.
Reiki Studio is a Facebook group that is designed to educate, support, & create a harmonious atmosphere for you, on your life journey.

Sacred sexuality, eps 1 Our sexuality finds its roots in many ancient traditions. At it’s essence it’s a spiritual or personal growth path often shared with another or on your own.
Sexuality is a broad subject and we’re going to keep it that way to open the form for questions for the panelists. You can think physical, mental emotional, energetically.. Sacred it’s something that you cherish deeply.

Empath gifts, eps2 We all have them, to enhance our life journey. How do we cultivate them? How do we maintain our wellbeing and growth with this gift?

Sacred Space, Prayer, Ritual, and Ceremony, eps 3 How do we cultivate & create, grow, produce, educate others? Please join us as we ask the panelists these questions and with your help MORE! With an additional treat. Each panelists will offer an example of the topics so you can see their flair. At the end we have a special story by Ronda Hart to celebrate the seasonal festivities!

Crystal Connections – Part 1 &2 eps 4 & 5 Crystals, Stones, Minerals. Properties & Attributes of the crystals. Shape, Color, Patterns, what does this all mean? Clean/Clear/Charge and programming. Our Wellbeing & Health, how to incorporate crystals for your aliments. Protection Grid, and Vogel’s!
Click here to View Part1 Click here to View Part 2

Sacred Sounds,- part 1 & 2 ep 6 & 7 Join our panelists is this month of December for Sound Practitioners, and our teachers in the art of Sound. Discover your connection with sound deeper as we explore, educate and discover our own connection with sound.
Click here to View part 1 Click here to View part 2

Our Energetic System,-our Root part 1 & 2 ep 8 & 9 Join our panelists is this month
We are connecting a deeper focus to our elegant energetic system called the chakras, or wheels of light. Each beautiful generator of light has its own qualities that aids and promotes harmony in our entire being. These episodes we honor the Root.
Click here to View part 1 Click here to View part 2