Wisconsin Wellness Center
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Heart Intelligence, Understanding The Power Within You

Empowering a more transparent connection of your depths.

The Heart Intelligence workshop presents an extraordinary opportunity to explore the power of sacred space in our lives. Through interactive sessions, participants will learn about the science and practice of heart coherence. They will discover how it positively impacts well-being, personal growth, and relationships. Join Kathy for an enlightening journey. She will help you tap into your heart’s innate wisdom. This will unlock your full potential.

“Heart Intelligence Vortex” refers to the profound connection between our hearts, emotions, and overall well-being. This concept is based on recognizing that the heart is not merely a simple pump. It possesses intelligence and a magnetic field that extends far beyond its physical boundaries. Central to this phenomenon is the idea that the heart is a crucial source of our intuition and wisdom. It is often considered the seat of our emotions. It is believed to hold vast information that guides us in making decisions, navigating relationships, and achieving personal growth. Join Kathy in this workshop for a unique journey toward developing deeper trust within yourself.

Let’s work together to unlock your full potential. Let our hearts expand and our minds synchronize.

With love,
Kathy Milanowski.

Workshop 2025 Schedule Price: $495.00
Carriage House, In Person
September 27 & 28th
October 11 & 12th

Workshop Includes:

This workshop is 2 days, 9am-3pm each day. You will get a workbook, 3 empowerment’s, group and individual activities, along with lecture time.

Please follow the two-step process to register for this course.

You can buy the book at the Carriage House or on Amazon