Psychic & Akashic Record readings with Kathy Milanowski,
M-W-TH 930 am – 7 pm
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Schedule for your Session today!
Akashic Records Readings, $75.00 45 minutes
Psychic and Akashic Readings
- Answer your questions on the future, past, and present
- Deep healing experience to take with you
- Open Records of your pet, business, real estate, your home, & any connection you have with another.
Linda Howe & Kathy Certification of Achievements
What is an Akashic Records Reading?
The Akashic Records are the history of your soul’s journey on Earth. The Records are a database of every word, thought or action, stored energetically. The Records are continuously updated with each new thought, word or action that your soul makes.
The Akashic Records therefore contain the energetic organic imprints about the origination and journey of each Soul throughout its lifetimes.
They connect each of us to one another.
“The Akashic records (a term coined in the late 19th century from akasha or ākāśa, the Sanskrit word for “sky”, “space”, “luminous”, or “aether”) are a compendium of thoughts, events, and emotions believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane.” .wikipedia.org
Q: Can you have a Long-Distance Reading?
A: Yes, options are : Zoom, Facebook, Phone
Q: Your fees?
A: $65.00 a session, which you get a recording of.
Q: Can you open Records of the Past, Present and Future?
A: Yes
Q: What else can you open with the session?
A: If you legally own at least 50% of your business, real estate, home, or land.
Q: Can I open the records of my pets and living loved ones?
A: Yes to the pets, with their permission. NO to your loved ones. You can ask what is your connection with them, but they need to open their own records regarding personal questions.
Q: Could I have some example questions?
- I own a business, why isn’t it thriving?
- Whenever I see a dog I experience irrational fear. Why, and how can I heal from this
- What is my life’s purpose?
- How can I manifest a more fulfilling job?
- For general event listing and details please look under our Calendar & Event Pages
What a blessed time discovering and learning skills to aid my life practice
Akashic Records Workshop. Instructor Linda Howe, Center Akashic Records